
What is Aikido?
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8th Anniversary
9th Anniversary
10th Anniversary
Seminars Abroad
Shuseikan Aikido Federation
SAF Branch Dojos
Our Honbu Dojo





On February 11, 2005 a meeting was held in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia attended by Aikido practitioners, instructors and founders of different aikido clubs in Saudi Arabia. It was discussed and agreed upon during the meeting that there is a need to organize an umbrella organization of all aikido clubs in Saudi Arabia. As a result, the Shuseikan Aikido Federation or SAF was founded.



Objectives and Purposes


·          To promote, enhance and inculcate to the public and the community the social and health benefits of practicing Aikido.


·          To organize, undertake or participate in trainings, seminars, symposia or lecture series regarding Aikido.


·          To propagate the art of Aikido throughout the world, and teach every member to practice the techniques and principles not in form alone, but deeply in heart and mind as well.


·          To serve as an umbrella organization for all Shuseikan Aikido organizations or clubs in the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, and around the world.


·          To do such other things which are necessary for the accomplishment of its objectives.



Name and Domicile


The association shall be known as “SHUSEIKAN AIKIDO FEDERATION or SAF”.


·        SHUSEIKAN is derived from three Japanese kanji shu, sei & kan. SHU means strong or austere training. SEI means sincerity or sincere. KAN means place or house. SHUSEIKAN can be etymologically defined as “a place for sincere, austere training”. Shuseikan is the name given by Kokusai Shuyokan Aikido Renmei to Genesis Aikido Club – founded by Sensei Ronaldo Nilo on September 13, 1997.


The official art of the Federation is Aikido, Shuseikan Style.


·        SHUSEIKAN  AIKIDO is an Aikido teaching system or style developed by Sensei Ronaldo Nilo based on his study of different styles and derivatives of Aikido since 1993 and his teaching experience since 1997. The techniques of Shuseikan Aikido is a conglomeration of the effective elements of Combat Aikido, Yoshinkan Aikido, Traditional Aikido, Ki Aikido, Shuyokan Ryu Aikido, Shuyokan Goshin Jutsu, Kickboxing and Arnis.


The  domicile  and principal office of the Federation shall be in Quezon City, Philippines.  Branch offices may be established anywhere in the world should conditions so warrant.





Any organization or individual who agrees to bind himself under the By-Laws of SAF, and to all the rules and regulations of the Federation may be admitted as member.


Classification of membership shall be as follows:


·        Individual Member. Individual members receive a certificate of membership and Shuseikan or Shuseikai Aikido Manual.


·        Yudansha Member. Yudansha members receive a Yudansha Manual, Yudansha Rank Certificate & ID. Black belts from Aikido clubs other than Genesis Aikido Club need a minimum membership time of one (1) year before they can be qualified for promotion in Shuseikan or Shuseikai Aikido. This will give them time to study and learn Shuseikan Aikido before their promotion. Old black belts of Genesis Aikido Club can be immediately classified as Yudan in Shuseikai Aikido upon activation of their membership.


·        Instructor Member. All Shuseikan or Shuseikai Aikido black belts are eligible for instructor certificates. Issued directly by Sensei Ronald Nilo, or through the Federation, these certificates are valid for one (1) year, and shall be renewed upon expiration.


·        Organizational Member. Organizational members are called Shuseikai or international branch dojo of Shuseikan. Organizations or clubs joining the Federation may retain their name at the discretion of the registering instructors or they may propose a new name. They may maintain their present Aikido Syllabus and add the techniques of Shuseikan Aikido as they see fit. Shuseikais receive a Dojo Registration Certificate plus the individual members’ certificate and Shuseikai Aikido Manual for each member. An organization, club or dojo must have at least five (5) individual members to be qualified as an organizational member. Only Aikido black belts (any style) are qualified to apply for organizational membership.


Requirements for Membership and Promotion are outlined in Membership & Yudansha Manual.





The following are the founding officers of Shuseikan Aikido Federation:


·        President:               RONALDO B. NILO

                               Founder, Genesis Aikido Club – Shuseikan Aikido

                               Practicing Aikido since 1993


Certified Instructor, Genesis Aikido Club

                               Practicing Aikido since 1994 


·        SECRETARY:              RAMON E. RAYCO
Founder, Kenjiren Aikido Club
Practicing Aikido since 1996


·        TREASURER:              BELTRAN T. SOMO
Certified Instructor, Genesis Aikido Club

                               Practicing Aikido since 1996 


·        P.R.O.:                           PROCESO P. ABANDO

                                                Combat Aikido (1995-2001)

                                Qualified Instructor               





The following are the founding organizations of Shuseikan Aikido Federation:


·        GENESIS AIKIDO CLUB                                                                                  


·        KENJIREN AIKIDO CLUB                                                                                 


·        OVERSEAS FILIPINO AIKIDO CLUB                                                               




·        UNITED PILIPINO AIKIDO CLUB                                                        





Membership is open to everyone regardless of martial arts affiliation, Aikido style, age, sex, race or religion. If you are interested to become a member, please feel free to send an e-mail to aikidoshuseikan@yahoo.com.

AIKIDO SHUSEIKAN USA-Philippines-Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates-Uruguay-Spain-Qatar In Qatar, Tel. No. +974-5082117