KOICHI TOHEI SENSEI Joined the Kobukan (name
of O'Sensei's dojo at that time) in 1939. He stayed till 1942 when he was drafted
into the Japanese Imperial Army. He came back after the war in 1946. Became Shihan Bucho (Head of the Teaching Staff) at the Aikikai in 1956.
Awarded 9th
Dan by O’Sensei in 1960. Awarded 10th Dan by Aikikai Hombu Dojo in 1970.
Resigned from Aikikai and founded Shinshin Toitsu Aikidokai (Society of Aikido
with Mind and Body Coordinated) in 1974.
AMBROSIO GAVILENO SENSEI Received Shodan from Koichi Tohei Sensei when Tohei Sensei was still connected with Aikikai. Founded Philippine Aikido Sports Association Inc. (PASAI) under Aikikai. Founded Philippine Combat Aikido Federation independent from Aikikai.
ERNESTO SULIVA SENSEI Received Shodan from Ambrosio Gavileno Sensei under PASAI. Founded several chapters of PASAI in Saudi Arabia. Founded Philippine Arbokaido Martial Arts Club independent from Gavileno Sensei.
GOZO SHIODA SENSEI Spent roughly eight years from
1932 to 1941 as a direct student of O'Sensei. Awarded the most excellent
prize in the Japan All-Round Budo Exhibition in 1954. Founded
Yoshinkan Aikido in 1955. Yoshinkan Aikido is taught to the Tokyo Metropolitan
Riot Police.
Shodai Soke David Dye, Judan, is the Founder and
Headmaster of Shuyokan Ryu USA. Soke Dye who began his martial arts training in 1962 with the study of Kodokan
Judo, holds black belt degrees in Yoshinkan Aikido, Ju-Jitsu, Aikido Taiho Jutsu and Shotokan Karate Jutsu. Sensei Dye studied
Aikido under Soke Gozo Shioda, Founder of Yoshinkan Aikido. Soke Gozo Shioda gave the name Shuyokan which means “a place
for mastering training”, to Sensei Dye’s dojo in California, the first Yoshinkan Aikido dojo to be registered in the United States of America. Sensei Dye served at Costa Mesa Police
Department as full-time Police Officer from 1967 till his retirement in 1997. His assignments included Patrol, Desk Officer,
Custody Officer, Court Liaison, Investigation, Photo Lab and Defensive Tactics Instructor. After retirement he opted to stay
as Senior Reserve Officer and continue serving as Defensive Tactics Instructor. Website: www.shuyokan.com
MINORU KANETSUKA SENSEI Born in 1939. 7th dan Aikikai, 2nd dan Yoshinkan Aikido.
dan Aikikai - British Aikido Federation, Authority to Teach Aikido in Saudi Arabia & Philippines signed by Doshu Kisshomaru
Membership is open to everyone regardless of martial arts affiliation, Aikido style, age,
sex, race or religion. If you are interested to become a member, please feel free to send an e-mail to
AIKIDO SHUSEIKAN USA-Philippines-Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates-Uruguay-Spain-Qatar In Qatar,
Tel. No. +974-5082117