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NOTE: This is not a complete catalog of exercises and techniques which we practice in our club. These are only the basics, and the instructor may initiate other exercises or techniques that he deemed beneficial to the student's practice.

Refer to the "Terminologies" section for translation of Japanese terms.

KIHON JUNBI DOSA (Basic Warming-Up Exercises)

Kansetsu junan-undo (Joint Exercises)
  • Ikkyo undo
  •  Nikyo undo
  • Sankyo undo
  • Kote gaeshi undo
  • Kata tori undo
  • Tekube shindo undo

Tai-so (Body Exercises)        
  • Funakogi undo
  • Shomen uchi ikkyo undo
  • Zengo undo
  • Ude furi undo
  • Joho ude furi undo
  • Kokyu ho undo
  • Katate tori kokyu nage undo
  • Tekube kosa undo
  • Tekube joho kosa undo
  • Ushiro tekube tori zenshin undo
  • Ushiro tekube tori kotai undo
  • Kaiten nage undo
  • Kaiten nage gyaku undo
  • Sayu undo
  • Sayu undo with stepping
  • Ushiro tori undo
  • Koho tento undo
  • Shikko

Sotai - dosa (PairedExercises)                               

  • Tai no tenkan ho
  • Kokyu tanden ho

Ukemi - waza (RollingExercises)                   

WAZA (Techniques)


Techniques For Promotion To 5th Kyu (Green belt)

Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 32 hours or 2 months before he/she can take examination for promotion to 5th kyu. 

1. Shomen uchi ikkyo irimi 

2. Shomen uchi nikyo tenkan                                   

3. Shomen uchi sankyo irimi                                   


4. Yokomen uchi shiho nage                                   


5. Yokomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan                                              


6. Mune tsuki kote gaeshi                


7. Mune tsuki hantai tenkan                                    


8. Kata tori ikkyo irimi                                           


9. Kata tori ikkyo tenkan                                                              


10. Kata tori nikyo irimi                                         


11. Kata tori nikyo tenkan                                    


12. Ushiro tekubi tori sankyo irimi                         


13. Ushiro tekubi tori kote gaeshi                           


14. Ushiro tekubi tori kubi shime sankyo irimi A    


15. Ushiro tekubi tori kubi shime sankyo irimi B     


16. Ushiro hiji tori kote gaeshi                                


17. Ushiro tori kokyu nage                                     


18. Shomen uchi kokyu nage irimi         

19. Shomen uchi kaiten nage                                   


20. Shomen uchi kote gaeshi   



Techniques For Promotion To 4th Kyu (Purple belt)


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 32 hours or 2 months from Gokyu before he/she can take examination for promotion to 4th kyu. 





21. Katate tori kokyu ho irimi                                

22. Katate tori kokyu ho tenkan 


23. Katate tori shiho nage irimi atemi     


24. Katate tori shiho nage tenkan atemi   


25. Katate tori kokyu nage irimi A     


26. Katate tori kokyu nage irimi B   


27. Katate tori sokumen iriminage   


28. Katate tori kote gaeshi           


29. Katate tori kaiten nage atemi       


30. Katate tori ikkyo irimi        


31. Katate tori ikkyo tenkan       


32. Katate tori nikyo irimi         


33. Katate tori nikyo tenkan        


34. Katate kosa tori nikyo     


35. Katate kosa tori kokyu nage             


36. Katate kosa tori kote gaeshi         


37. Mune tsuki ikkyo irimi         


38. Mune tsuki ikkyo tenkan 


39. Mune tsuki nikyo irimi               


40. Mune tsuki nikyo tenkan           


41. Kata tori kokyu nage irimi          


42. Kata tori kokyu nage tenkan    


43. Jo tori yokomen uchi shiho nage            


44. Jo tori yokomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan A     


45. Jo tori yokomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan B     


46. Jo tori yokomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan C          


47. Jo tori yokomen uchi kokyu nage irimi A         

48. Jo tori yokomen uchi kokyu nage irimi B         


49. Jo tori shomen uchi kokyu nage irimi              


50. Jo tori shomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan                                                    



Techniques For Promotion To 3rd Kyu (Yellow belt)


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 32 hours or 2 months from Yonkyu before he/she can take examination for promotion to 3rd kyu. 





51. Jo tori shomen uchi ikkyo irimi        


52. Jo tori shomen uchi ikkyo tenkan             


53. Jo tori shomen uchi nikkyo irimi     This video shows Waza 1 2 11 12 53 54 80 3adv 77    


54. Jo tori shomen uchi nikkyo tenkan     This video shows Waza 1 2 11 12 53 54 80 3adv 77      


55. Jo tori shomen uchi sankyo irimi          


56. Jo tori shomen uchi sankyo tenkan        


57. Jo tori shomen uchi kote gaeshi    


58. Tanto tori mune tsuki kote gaeshi irimi      


59. Tanto tori mune tsuki kote gaeshi tenkan         

60. Tanto tori mune tsuki kaiten nage atemi       


61. Tanto tori mune tsuki hantai tenkan mae geri   

62. Tanto tori mune tsuki hantai tenkan kote gaeshi               


63. Katate tori ryote mochi sokumen iriminage           

64. Katate tori ryote mochi nikyo A                


65. Katate tori ryote mochi nikyo B                            


66. Katate tori ryote mochi kokyu nage tenkan A  

67. Katate tori ryote mochi kokyu nage tenkan B  

68. Katate tori ryote mochi kote gaeshi          


69. Ushiro tekube tori ikkyo                    


70. Ushiro tekube tori kote gaeshi           


71. Ushiro tekube tori sankyo            

72. Ushiro tekube tori kote gaeshi tenkan            


73. Ushiro hiji tori kote gaeshi                  

74. Ushiro kata tori kote gaeshi              


75. Ushiro kata tori kokyu nage irimi with uppercut      

76. Ushiro kata tori kokyu nage irimi                 


77. Ushiro kubi shime kokyu nage            


78. Ushiro tori kokyu nage var. 1                 


79. Ushiro tekube tori kubi shime sankyo A            

80. Ushiro tekube tori kubi shime sankyo B                                   


Techniques For Promotion To 2nd Kyu (Blue belt)


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 32 hours or 2 months from Sankyu before he/she can take examination for promotion to 2nd kyu. 


A.  Demonstration of Kihon junbi dosa (10)                                                                  

B. Tachiwaza 1– 80                                                                                     

C. Aikido terminologies                                                                                       

            Kihon junbi dosa (10)                                                                               

            Tachiwaza 1-80 (20)            


D. Randori (1:3)           


Techniques For Promotion To 1st Kyu (Brown belt)


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 64 hours or 4 months from Nikyu before he/she can take examination for promotion to 1st kyu. 


A. Any or all of the previous exercises and techniques                                    

B. Jo tori waza (any 5 of jo tori waza)    


C. Tanto tori waza (any 5 of tanto tori waza)    


D. Geri waza (any 5 of geri waza)       


E. Katame waza (any 5 of katame waza)    


F. Hold-up defense techniques (any 5 of hold-up defense techniques)      


G. Boxing defense (any 5 of boxing defense techniques)         


H. Randori (1:4)      


1.        Attacks are random.

2.        Atemi may be employed to distract uke’s attention only. Avoid contact. Defense is limited to throws like kokyu nage or iriminage, grabbing and locks.

3.        Previous techniques can be used plus the additional techniques below:



 81. Jo tori shomen uchi katagatame atemi

 82. Jo tori shomen uchi kubi shime

 83. Jo tori shomen uchi ude garami

 84. Jo tori yokomen uchi shiho nage atemi

 85. Jo tori yokomen gyaku yokomen uchi kote gaeshi



 86. Tanto tori mune tsuki katagatame

 87. Tanto tori mune tsuki sukomen iriminage atemi

 88. Tanto tori shomen tsuki ude garami This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134

 89. Tanto tori yokomen tsuki kokyu nage tenkan atemi This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134

 90. Tanto tori gyaku mawashi tsuki katagatame This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134



 91. Mae geri kokyu nage irimi

 92. Mawashi geri ashi shime

 93. Mawashi geri ashi-uchi men-uchi

 94. Mawashi geri kubi shime

 95. Ushiro geri hiki otoshi



 96. Katame waza 1

 97. Katame waza 2

 98. Katame waza 3

 99. Katame waza 4

 100. Katame waza 5



 101. Hold-up left-hand-choke right-hand-knife to the front of throat – katagatame

 102. Hold-up left-hand-choke right-hand-knife to the front of throat – kokyu nage

 103. Hold-up left-hand-choke right-hand-knife to the back – kote gaeshi

 104. Hold-up left-hand-over-left shoulder right-hand-knife to the back – ushiro geri

 105. Hold-up left-hand-over-left shoulder right-hand-knife to the back – kote gaeshi



 106. Boxing left-jab right-straight – head lock

 107. Boxing left-jab right-hook – kokyu nage tenkan

 108. Boxing right-jab left-hook – kokyu nage tenkan

 109. Boxing left-jab right-backfist – kote gaeshi

 110. Boxing left-jab right-uppercut – head lock



Techniques For Promotion To 1st Dan Black Belt


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum of 192 hours or 12 months from Ikkyu before he/she can take examination for promotion to Shodan. 



A. Any or all of the previous exercises and techniques     


B. History & principles of Aikido                                                   

C. Iaido rei                                                              

D. Bokken kata (sitting)                                                                 

E. Bokken kamae (5)                                                                                      

F. Bokken suburi (7)                                                                        

G. Bokken kata (standing)                


H. Bo stab kata                                                                               

I. Ki development

            Orenaite (Unbendable arm)                                                                   

    Agaranai karada (Unliftable body)                                                                 

    Immovable seiza                                                                 

J. Suwariwaza (10)                                                                           

K. Hanmi handachi waza                                                                                           

    Jo tori waza (5)                                                                     

    Tanto tori waza (5)                                                                               

    Geri waza (5)                                                                                         

    Boxing defense (5)                                                                              

L. Randori (1:5)      


1.        Attacks are random.

2.        Atemi may be employed to distract uke’s attention only. Avoid contact. Defense is limited to throws like kokyu nage or iriminage, grabbing and locks.

3.        Previous techniques can be used plus the additional techniques below:



111. Iaido rei

112. Bokken kata (sitting)

113. Bokken chudan kamae

114. Bokken gedan kamae

115. Bokken jodan kamae

116. Bokken hasso kamae

117. Bokken waki kamae

118. Shuseikan suburi #1

119. Shuseikan suburi #2

120. Shuseikan suburi #3

121. Shuseikan suburi #4

122. Shuseikan suburi #5

123. Shuseikan suburi #6

124. Shuseikan suburi #7

125. Bokken kata (standing)



126. Bo stab kata



127. Orenaite (unbendable arm)

128. Agaranai karada (Unliftable Body)  

129. Immovable seiza             



130. Suwariwaza shomen uchi ikkyo irimi This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134

131. Suwariwaza shomen uchi ikkyo tenkan

132. Suwariwaza shomen uchi nikyo irimi

133. Suwariwaza shomen uchi nikyo tenkan This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134

134. Suwariwaza shomen uchi sankyo irimi This video shows 89, 90, 90a, 88, 130, 133, 134

135. Suwariwaza shomen uchi sankyo tenkan

136. Suwariwaza yokomen uchi shiho nage

137. Suwariwaza katate tori ikkyo irimi

138. Suwariwaza katate tori ikkyo tenkan

139. Suwariwaza katate tori nikyo irimi

140. Suwariwaza katate tori nikyo tenkan



141. Hanmi handachi jo tori shomen uchi kote gaeshi

142. Hanmi handachi jo tori yokomen uchi shiho nage

143. Hanmi handachi jo tori gyaku yokomen uchi katagatame

144. Hanmi handachi jo tori yokomen gyaku yokomen uchi kote gaeshi

145. Hanmi handachi jo tori shomen uchi kubi shime

146. Hanmi handachi tanto tori mune tsuki katagatame

147. Hanmi handachi tanto tori mawashi tsuki kokyu nage tenkan atemi

148. Hanmi handachi tanto tori gyaku mawashi tsuki katagatame

149. Hanmi handachi tanto tori shomen uchi ude garami atemi

150. Hanmi handachi tanto tori mune tsuki kote gaeshi atemi

151. Hanmi handachi mae geri kokyu nage irimi

152. Hanmi handachi mae geri kaiten nage

153. Hanmi handachi mawashi geri ashi shime atemi

154. Hanmi handachi ushiro geri hiki otoshi kubi shime

155. Hanmi handachi ushiro geri kubi shime

156. Hanmi handachi left jab right straight – head lock

157. Hanmi handachi left jab right hook – kokyu nage tenkan

158. Hanmi handachi right jab left hook – kokyu nage tenkan

159. Hanmi handachi left jab right back fist – kote gaeshi

160. Hanmi handachi left jab right uppercut – head lock


Techniques For Promotion To 2nd Dan Black Belt


Note: A member is required to attend classes for one (1) year before he/she can qualify for promotion to Nidan. 



A. Any or all of the previous exercises and techniques.

B. Plus the following techniques:

161.    Sword technique 1

162.    Sword technique 2

163.    Sword technique 3

164.    Sword technique 4

165.    Sword technique 5

166.    Sword technique 6

167.    Sword technique 7

168.    Kaeshiwaza shomen uchi kokyu nage irimi

169.    Kaeshiwaza shomen uchi nikyo tenkan

170.    Kaeshiwaza shomen uchi ikkyo irimi

171.    Kaeshiwaza yokomen uchi shiho nage

172.    Kaeshiwaza yokomen uchi kokyu nage tenkan

173.    Kaeshiwaza mune tsuki kote gaeshi

174.    Kaeshiwaza mune tsuki hantai tenkan

175.    Kaeshiwaza kata tori ikkyo irimi

176.    Kaeshiwaza kata tori ikkyo tenkan

177.    Kaeshiwaza kata tori nikyo irimi

178.    Kaeshiwaza kata tori nikyo tenkan

179.    Ushiro tekube tori ikkyo A

180.    Kata tori yokomen uchi nikyo

181.    Kata tori mune tsuki katagatame atemi A

182.    Kata tori mune tsuki katagatame atemi B

183.    Kata tori yonkyo

184.    Shomen uchi yonkyo irimi

185.    Shomen uchi yonkyo tenkan

186.    Randori 1:3 (Shomen uchi)

187.    Randori 1:3 (Yokomen uchi)

188.    Randori 1:3 (Mune tsuki / kata tori)

189.    Randori 1:3 (Jo tori)

190.    Randori 1:3 (Tanto tori)

191.    Randori 1:3 (Katate tori)

192.    Randori 1:3 (Ushiro tekube tori)

193.    Randori 1:3 (Geri)

194.    Randori 1:3 (Random attacks, any kind)

195.    Randori 1:4 (Random attacks, any kind)



Techniques For Promotion To 3rd Dan Black Belt


Note: A member is required to attend classes for a minimum two (2) years before he/she can qualify for promotion to Sandan. 



A. Any or all of the previous exercises and techniques

B. Plus the following additional techniques:

196. Yokomen uchi yonkyo irimi

197. Yokomen uchi yonkyo tenkan

198. Katate tori ryote mochi shiho nage

199. Ryote tori kokyu nage irimi

200. Ryokata tori kokyu nage irimi 

201. Ryote tori koshi nage

202. Ushiro tekube tori koshi nage

203. Ryokata tori koshi nage

204. Kata tori aiki otoshi

205. Ushiro kata tori aiki otoshi

206. Katate tori ryote mochi sumi otoshi

207. Kata tori sumi otoshi

208. Ryote tori kokyu nage

209. Two-man katate tori ryote mochi sokumen iriminage

210. Three-man katate tori ryote mochi sokumen iriminage

211. Staff or stave exercises

212. Ryote tori tenchi nage

213. Randori 1:5 (Shomen uchi)

214. Randori 1:5 (Yokomen uchi)

215. Randori 1:5 (Mune tsuki / kata tori)

216. Randori 1:5 (Jo tori)

217. Randori 1:5 (Tanto tori)

218. Randori 1:5 (Katate tori)

219. Randori 1:5 (Ushiro tekube tori)

220. Randori 1:5 (Geri waza)

221. Randori 1:5 (Random attacks, any kind)

222. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Shomen uchi)

223. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Yokomen uchi)

224. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Mune tsuki / kata tori)

225. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Jo tori)

226. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Tanto tori)

227. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Geri waza)

228. Randori hanmi handachi 1:3 (Random attacks, any kind)

229. Randori hanmi handachi 1:4 (Random attacks, any kind)

230. Randori hanmi handachi 1:5 (Random attacks, any kind)



231. Tanto tori yokomen tsuki ude gaeshi


232. Kata tori mune tsuki kokyu nage tenkan atemi


233. Mawashi geri hiki otoshi


234. Jiyuwaza 3-6


235. Jiyuwaza 7-11


236. Yokomen uchi nikkyo kote gaeshi tenkan


237. Tanto tori mune tsuki kote gaeshi tenkan atemi


238. Katate kosa tori ikkyo irimi


239. Katate kosa tori kokyu nage


240. Mune tsuki kokyu nage


241. Tanto tori yokomen gyaku yokomen tsuki kote gaeshi

Membership is open to everyone regardless of martial arts affiliation, Aikido style, age, sex, race or religion. If you are interested to become a member, please feel free to send an e-mail to aikidoshuseikan@yahoo.com.

AIKIDO SHUSEIKAN USA-Philippines-Saudi Arabia-United Arab Emirates-Uruguay-Spain-Qatar In Qatar, Tel. No. +974-5082117